Changes from original design:
coverline ('SHOW TIME - get ready for our production of the Wizard of Oz!') to fill in some space on this front cover.
* I didn't have time to create a document looking like an acceptance letter for the image, like I originally planned, therefore I added the text 'Accepted!' onto the folder instead, to connote that the acceptance letter is inside the folder.
*Originally I planned to take the photo outside the doors of the schools main entrance, however this was not possible, as people kept on needing to get in and out of the school, therefore I could not take an image of just my model there, and decided to take it by the walls of the school.
* I added the 'emboss' and 'drop shadow' effects to the title of my magazine, which was not originally planned.
* I opened a new file on photoshop, making sure an A4 letter was selected.
* I then opened my main image and dragged it onto the new file, then making it fit onto the A4 page without distortion.
* I then added my titile, using a text box, adding the effects 'emboss' and 'drop shadow' to it. I then made sure it was centred on the page.Next I coloured it so that it was the same colour as my models ID badge cord.
* I added the issue date and price, on the top right of the page, just above the titile in 10pt.
* I then wrote my coverlines and sublines, making sure the coverlines were the same colour as the titile. I also made sure that the coverlines and sublines framed the image, and did not go across any of the images face. Moreover, I made sure that the main coverline was the biggest, and that it anchored the image.
* Next I added the puff, using the shape tool, colouring it the same as the title, I added the text on top of it to advertise the competition.
* Finally, I added the bar code to the magazine, in the bottom right corner.
FINAL CONTENTS PAGE (Created with Quark Xpress)
Changes from original design:
* I only had two images on my contents page instead of the originally planned three, for two reasons; 1) They couldn't fit on the page with all the feature and regular content, 2) I could not get a picture of the school theatre at the time I took my pictures as it was in use.
* One extra feature article has been added, as with the front cover.
* I could not fit in the 'Help Page' and 'Funny Times' articles in the regular content, as there was no room for them.
* I added a 'drop shadow' effect to the title, which I did not originally plan to add.
* I cut my page into 3 columns instead of the original plan of 2.
* I did not add a 'subscribe' section on the bottom left of the page as originally planned, as there was no room for it.
* I did, however, add the 'Win a free memory stick' part, which related to the 'puff' on the front cover, also with a page reference so that readers can find the page on which the contest information is on.
Procedures -
* I opened a new project on Quark Xpress, and changed the number of columns from 1 to 3.
* I then added another page, along with the master page, to the project.
* Next, I wrote the title 'Contents' and made sure it spread across two columns.
* I then added my text, feature articles, and then regular content, by drawing a text box in columns 1 and 2.
* I changed the colour of my title and coverlines to the same purple as is on the front cover to connect the two.
* I added the drop shadow effect to the work 'Contents'.
* I then drew one picture box onto the 2nd and 3rd column, and a second onto just the 3rd column, then importing my two pictures into them, and making it so that the would fit in the boxes without distortion.
* I then added small texts boxes onto the bottom right hand corners of the pictures, and added a page reference number to them.
* I then added a final text box onto the bottom left of the page, in the third column to add a reference to the competition puff on the front cover.